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UBC FMWC is dedicated to the development of women physicians-in-training and the well-being of all women in Canada. UBC FMWC provides medical students with opportunities to connect with women in medicine. Together, we are mentors and mentees, women's health advocates, educators, community allies, and changemakers.

Empowerment and gender equity are at the forefront of what we’re working towards. Our initiatives and programs are designed to help members reach their professional and personal goals and fulfill their potential. Learn more about the positive impact we have in our local communities and nationwide, and join us in bringing about positive change.

Home: Welcome


To keep each other safe, otters sleep in the water in gender segregated groups with interlocked paws called rafts. It turns out that female sea otters are called bitches - just like female dogs. A group of female sea otters is actually a raft of bitches keeping each other afloat. Yet - the word bitch is laden with all sorts of cultural baggage.  Ali Yarrow wrote a book about the bitchification of women in the 1990’s - if you were a confident, smart and unapologetic female leader in the 1990’s you were most definitely labeled a bitch.

There are so many rafts that keep us afloat, personal and professional, large and small. They are full of confident, smart and unapologetic female leaders.

UBC FMWC is here to support you and keep you afloat along your journey through medical school and beyond. #RaftofBitches!

Home: Who We Are

“A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.”

Gloria Steinem

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"To get exposure to so many amazing women and mentors at such an early stage of my training... was such a blessing and so helpful to me!"

First year student, Mentorship Speed Dating Event

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